Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

Welcome To Framwellgate Moor Primary School

We hope that you can find all of the information that you require on this website. At Framwellgate Moor Primary School we value each and every pupil and strive for continual improvement to ensure all children aspire for and reach their own potential.

We have high hopes of all our pupils and aim to provide a safe and secure environment in which everyone can learn together and develop as individuals.


Head Teacher’s Blog

Friday 7th June 2024
7/06/2024 3:03 PM

Hello everyone,


I hope you all have a lovely week. We’ve had another busy week at FMPS.

Year 5 and 6 classes (Jaguars and Toucans) went to Weardale Adventure Centre. The children arrived at a beautiful quarry where they paddleboard in the sunshine. The children had to use teamwork and communicate effectively on the mammoth paddleboard, where they all had to work as a team to get back to shore. Teamwork and communication were again important in the other activities where they needed to complete games using these skills to earn prizes to make a fire. After this, the children helped to light the fire before toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate. 

A big thank you to our instructors Simon, Phil, Dylan and Connor, who helped and encouraged the children.


On Thursday, the Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed our fabulous French café with Mrs Raine. As well as learning how to speak in French, they also got to enjoy some delicious French food including: fresh baguette from the bakery, various French cheeses, pain au chocolate and more! The children then spoke in French to share their thoughts on the taste, mostly “J’adore”!


On Friday Year 1/2 thoroughly enjoyed Zumba this morning! They learnt some new moves and danced their socks off.


Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Smith


Friday 28th June 2024
28/06/2024 2:08 PM

Hello everyone,

As always lots to talk about! Thank you to everyone who came to KS2 sports day this afternoon the photos will follow.

We also have new dates for prospective parents to come and have a look around our fabulous school the dates are –

19th September 2024 at 9.15 am

7th October at 2024 1.30pm

14th November 2024 at 9.15am

6th December 2024 at 1.30pm

13th January 2024 at 9.15 am


Tara’s Time To Shine

Tara wanted to tell us all about Kumon. It's an after school activity where you can go for extra learning in Maths and English.

Tara explained that she enjoys it because it sets her a challenge to move up a level in your learning. Well done, Tara!


Six Ten Problem 

Year 6 tackled the six ten problem, where 6 dice are facing up of one number and 10 of another. The difference between the two different numbers had to be 2. The children tried different numbers to see if they could find a pattern, which they did spotting that all the totals were multiples of 4 and that this meant the difference between the two numbers being multiplied by 4.


Y6 Netball

We had an afternoon of netball with the SSP. The class took part in numerous drills practicing passing and movement skills. Before finishing, with games in mixed teams


Y3 / 4 Fieldwork Visit to Hamstley

We had a fantastic day at Hamsterley Forest carrying out orienteering activities, river fieldwork and den building. We used a compass and compass directions to find hidden treasures, used an orienteering map to locate control points, produced sketch maps, created a river bed profile by measuring depth across the width, calculated river velocity on the inside and outside of meander and even had time to construct dens. The sun shone and so did our superb geographical knowledge - well done, Tigers!


Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their final sports day morning. Taking part in bean bag, skipping, relay and dribbling race as well as hula hopping and throwing events in the morning. In the afternoon, the children took part in obstacle, skipping, sprint, sack, egg and spoon race in front of a captive audience. Sports Day finished with the house captain relay! The Yellow team were eventually crowned the winning house. WELL DONE YELLOW TEAM.

Please take a look at KS1 sports day mornings -


Please take a look at FMPS OUTSTANDING Ofsted Report we are all very proud!


Reminders –

Next Week is the last week for afterschool clubs.

Nursery reports will be coming home on Thursday 4th July 2024

R to Y5 Reports are going home this evening


Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Smith


Friday 21st June 2024
21/06/2024 3:35 PM

Hello everyone,


Once again lots to talk about! Thank you to everyone who came to KS1 sports day this afternoon.


The whole school took part in their final colour run at the school. As you can see from the before and after pictures all were covered in paint and enjoyed the run.


Grasshoppers had a wonderful time doing the colour run!


Year 5 loved the Quidditch Festival at Maiden Castle on Tuesday. We took part in a carousel of activities learning the skills of Quidditch (dodging, throwing, catching, team work, communication) and then played games.

This week, Sam shared his fantastic knowledge about gemstones with us. We learnt all about their formation and different types that exist. We were also lucky enough to see some gemstones from Sam's personal collection - our class favourite was the Tiger's Eye! It was wonderful to see you speaking with such confidence and passion about your chosen subject. Thank you so much, Sam!

Anzor made and gave a fantastic presentation all about his many hobbies. We discovered that he's been playing the piano since he was six years old and tries to practise every day. He's performed in three concerts and he showed us a video clip of one performance. Anzor's other hobbies include chess, swimming, football and Taekwando. Well done, Anzor! You definitely make the most of your spare time!

Yesterday, our school choir had a fantastic opportunity to sing at the historical Durham Cathedral. The choir have been working hard rehearsing ten chosen songs including 'Bring me sunshine', 'Blue Moon' and 'Here comes the sun'. They sang beautifully in front of a very large audience and they finished with a standing ovation. Miss Robson is very proud of them! Well done Choir!



Reminders –


On Tuesday 25th June year 3 & 4 on a trip to Hamsterly Forest.

On Thursday 27th June KS2 sports day.

Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Smith


Friday 14th June 2024
14/06/2024 3:33 PM


Hello everyone,


Another busy week at FMPS Lots to talk about.

Mohamed Time to shine

Mohamed shared an interesting and detailed presentation all about his passion for football. He clearly loves this sport and has enjoyed many opportunities to play matches around the UK. Well done, Mohamed!


Year 6 had two lovely sessions with Liz Million, where they learnt to draw the mermonkey from our class text Malamander.


Darren for SSP came to teach the children the game End Zone. The children scored points if a member of the team caught it in the 'End Zone'. The class played in their team colours with the Red Team coming out on top.


On Thursday morning the Year 5 pupils participated in Danish long ball. The aim of the game was to get the basketball into the end zone without moving or running whilst holding the ball. This required effective team work and communication. The children worked in their house teams and discussed then tested different strategies to see which method was the most effective. Their team scores were recorded and in both Toucans and Jaguars, the winning house was Green!


On Thursday Year 3 and 4 were transformed into Ancient Greek Gods, Goddesses and Soldiers for the day!  We had great fun making a Greek Salad, taking part in a treasure hunt for mythical creatures, playing Ancient Greek Olympic sports, making a water clock and finally making an ancient Greek vase from clay.  The children had a great time!


On Wednesday evening, 31 pupils from KS2 completed in the Durham Dash at Beamish Museum alongside 33 other schools!  The children did amazingly well, with our school winning 4 medals!


Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Smith


Friday 7th June 2024
7/06/2024 3:03 PM

Hello everyone,


I hope you all have a lovely week. We’ve had another busy week at FMPS.

Year 5 and 6 classes (Jaguars and Toucans) went to Weardale Adventure Centre. The children arrived at a beautiful quarry where they paddleboard in the sunshine. The children had to use teamwork and communicate effectively on the mammoth paddleboard, where they all had to work as a team to get back to shore. Teamwork and communication were again important in the other activities where they needed to complete games using these skills to earn prizes to make a fire. After this, the children helped to light the fire before toasting marshmallows and drinking hot chocolate. 

A big thank you to our instructors Simon, Phil, Dylan and Connor, who helped and encouraged the children.


On Thursday, the Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed our fabulous French café with Mrs Raine. As well as learning how to speak in French, they also got to enjoy some delicious French food including: fresh baguette from the bakery, various French cheeses, pain au chocolate and more! The children then spoke in French to share their thoughts on the taste, mostly “J’adore”!


On Friday Year 1/2 thoroughly enjoyed Zumba this morning! They learnt some new moves and danced their socks off.


Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Smith


Friday 28th June 2024
28/06/2024 2:08 PM

Hello everyone,

As always lots to talk about! Thank you to everyone who came to KS2 sports day this afternoon the photos will follow.

We also have new dates for prospective parents to come and have a look around our fabulous school the dates are –

19th September 2024 at 9.15 am

7th October at 2024 1.30pm

14th November 2024 at 9.15am

6th December 2024 at 1.30pm

13th January 2024 at 9.15 am


Tara’s Time To Shine

Tara wanted to tell us all about Kumon. It's an after school activity where you can go for extra learning in Maths and English.

Tara explained that she enjoys it because it sets her a challenge to move up a level in your learning. Well done, Tara!


Six Ten Problem 

Year 6 tackled the six ten problem, where 6 dice are facing up of one number and 10 of another. The difference between the two different numbers had to be 2. The children tried different numbers to see if they could find a pattern, which they did spotting that all the totals were multiples of 4 and that this meant the difference between the two numbers being multiplied by 4.


Y6 Netball

We had an afternoon of netball with the SSP. The class took part in numerous drills practicing passing and movement skills. Before finishing, with games in mixed teams


Y3 / 4 Fieldwork Visit to Hamstley

We had a fantastic day at Hamsterley Forest carrying out orienteering activities, river fieldwork and den building. We used a compass and compass directions to find hidden treasures, used an orienteering map to locate control points, produced sketch maps, created a river bed profile by measuring depth across the width, calculated river velocity on the inside and outside of meander and even had time to construct dens. The sun shone and so did our superb geographical knowledge - well done, Tigers!


Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their final sports day morning. Taking part in bean bag, skipping, relay and dribbling race as well as hula hopping and throwing events in the morning. In the afternoon, the children took part in obstacle, skipping, sprint, sack, egg and spoon race in front of a captive audience. Sports Day finished with the house captain relay! The Yellow team were eventually crowned the winning house. WELL DONE YELLOW TEAM.

Please take a look at KS1 sports day mornings -


Please take a look at FMPS OUTSTANDING Ofsted Report we are all very proud!


Reminders –

Next Week is the last week for afterschool clubs.

Nursery reports will be coming home on Thursday 4th July 2024

R to Y5 Reports are going home this evening


Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Smith
