Year 5 and 6 have started a new computing topic using Microbits. This week the children programmed the microbit using the code blocks ''forever loop' and 'show string' to create an led name badge.
Y3&4 have designed and used voiceovers to create a video of healthy meals (linked to science). This was done on Ipads and we shared them with year 1/2.
Tigers Internet Safety Day
Blurb – Miss Kaddoura, from Durham University, began teaching Y6 about microbit. In the lesson the children were taught how to program the microbits to show the words or image they wanted. The class will continue to learn more about microbit with Miss Kaddoura over the coming weeks.
The online safety focus for Year 5 this half term is privacy and security. The children have been talking about the importance of a secure password and enjoyed making password tumblers.
Y6 Password tumbler
Year 6 began their computing unit by learning about the importance of passwords, what a secure password would be and how to keep passwords safe. The children created password tumblers with different words from different categories written down to generate random passwords they could use.
This week in computing, we have been using the coding programme scratch to make and create sprites. We used different coding actions, to make our two sprites interact with each other.
This term we have been creating videos on IMovie where we have included lots of skills like adding backgrounds, adding text, transitions, voice over and more. We have loved making these and look forward to sharing our videos with Reception to show them all about what life is like in Year 1 and 2.
Y5 have been using their computing skills to create PowerPoints, complying all of the information they have learnt about SE Brazil within their Geography lessons.
These PowerPoints compare SE Brazil to the NE of England. Some children chose to present their PowerPoints to the rest of their class. Well done!!
Safer Internet Day 2023 took place on the 7th of February 2023, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.
In our school, we are celebrating by putting the children’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging them to shape the online safety support that they receive.
On Tuesday 24th January 23 the Digital Leaders lead an assembly to talk to their peers about keeping safe online.
They introduced the new SMART posters that are going to be displayed in each classroom to remind everyone how to keep safe online.
To consolidate our History knowledge and learning, we are creating power points with all of the facts we have learnt about WW1. We will present these to our class once they are complete.
Within our computing lesson we have been creating our acceptable computer use charter. As well as using the programme beetle blocks to code and make different letters and words.
Students in the Ladybirds class used digital cameras to record artwork made as part of a Forest School afternoon.