Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

How children with SEN engage in all activities?

We enable all children to engage fully in all aspects of school life. To do this:

We do our best to ensure that all children can access all areas of school life as best as we can. We do not see SEND as a barrier to accessing the full curriculum and ensure that children with SEND are fully included in all activities in order to promote the highest levels of achievement.

To do this, we:

  • Ensure that all children with SEN are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement, for example; ensuring that children with language delay are supported with visual aids and prompts.
  • Ensure that all pupils have access to the school curriculum and all school activities, for example; additional adult support to model and support learning.
  • Ensure every child has the entitlement to a sense of achievement through celebrating progress with parents, for example; we have a weekly achievement assembly where academic and non-academic progress is celebrated.
  • When planning activities such as visits and trips SEN children are considered to ensure they can fully participate, for example; staff will visit places and complete risk assessments.

How do we assess and review progress?

If your child has SEN, it is important for us to carry out formal assessments to identify their strengths and identify their needs accurately. To do this, we will use a range of methods depending upon their needs. When your child enters our school, their current attainment is assessed to give us a ‘baseline’ from where they will progress. In addition to the assessments that all children take part in and depending upon their needs, other assessments may be needed. These could include:

Communication and interaction (SLCN, ASC) 

  • Talkabout Programme assessment tool by Alex Kelly
  • Speech and Language Link Assessment
  • Speech Therapy Assessments – which may focus on sound production, language understanding, or other relevant assessments of your child’s needs

Cognition and learning (MLD, PMLD, SLD, SpLD) 

  • Subject specific assessment
  • Education Psychology Assessments – which may include memory, understanding, reasoning, logic, and general skills assessment.

Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties 

  • Talkabout Programme assessment tool by Alex Kelly
  • CAMHS Referral
  • Assess through observations of pupils

Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties 

  • Movement Programme baseline assessment
  • Handwriting and copying skills baseline assessment

Your child will be assessed against age related expectations for children who are working on the National Curriculum (i.e. the same as the majority of other children in their year group), or they may be assessed against other measures for children who are not ready to work on National Curriculum Levels (i.e. the steps before the National Curriculum).  Aspirational targets are set for all children to ensure that all children make good progress, including those not ready to access the National Curriculum. The outcomes of all assessments are shared with parents and carers at our Parent Evenings and in your child’s School Report. If other agencies are invited to work with your child, you will be invited to attend a meeting where the outcomes of these assessments and their next steps will be shared with you. If parents have any concerns then these can be shared with the class teacher and or SENCo who will arrange a meeting to discuss and resolve any difficulties.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The class teacher alongside the SENCo will discuss the child’s needs and what support would be appropriate. SEN is an ongoing dialogue in school so that staff can share concerns or ideas as to how we can help the child at the earliest opportunity.
Teacher’s use assessments and observations of children to identify, review and evaluate their needs and gaps in their learning. We look at what we can provide to meet the child’s needs and we discuss and measure the effectiveness of the interventions the children have undertaken that term. Different children will require different levels of support in order to bridge the gap to achieve age expectations which could be on a one to one basis, with a group, run by a teacher or teaching assistant or through peer support and in or out of class. Throughout the process, we keep an on-going dialogue with yourselves as parents.

At Framwellgate Moor Primary School, we currently have children with a variety of needs in school and provide the following interventions to meet the needs of our children:

Support for children with physical needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Daily Gross Motor Skills interventions.
  • Weekly Fine Motor Skills interventions.
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Occupational Health

Support for children with speech, language and communication needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Daily Speech and Language interventions.
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language Therapy

Support for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Trailblazers
  • Educational Psychologist input
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. CAMHs Mentoring and Counselling;

Support for children with cognition and learning needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Maths and English specific
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service
  • Specific individual support for children whose learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong and what this means for your child e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia
  • Range of teaching and learning styles;
  • A broad range of extra-curricular activities, including After-School
  • Differentiation
Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

How children with SEN engage in all activities?

We enable all children to engage fully in all aspects of school life. To do this:

We do our best to ensure that all children can access all areas of school life as best as we can. We do not see SEND as a barrier to accessing the full curriculum and ensure that children with SEND are fully included in all activities in order to promote the highest levels of achievement.

To do this, we:

  • Ensure that all children with SEN are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement, for example; ensuring that children with language delay are supported with visual aids and prompts.
  • Ensure that all pupils have access to the school curriculum and all school activities, for example; additional adult support to model and support learning.
  • Ensure every child has the entitlement to a sense of achievement through celebrating progress with parents, for example; we have a weekly achievement assembly where academic and non-academic progress is celebrated.
  • When planning activities such as visits and trips SEN children are considered to ensure they can fully participate, for example; staff will visit places and complete risk assessments.

How do we assess and review progress?

If your child has SEN, it is important for us to carry out formal assessments to identify their strengths and identify their needs accurately. To do this, we will use a range of methods depending upon their needs. When your child enters our school, their current attainment is assessed to give us a ‘baseline’ from where they will progress. In addition to the assessments that all children take part in and depending upon their needs, other assessments may be needed. These could include:

Communication and interaction (SLCN, ASC) 

  • Talkabout Programme assessment tool by Alex Kelly
  • Speech and Language Link Assessment
  • Speech Therapy Assessments – which may focus on sound production, language understanding, or other relevant assessments of your child’s needs

Cognition and learning (MLD, PMLD, SLD, SpLD) 

  • Subject specific assessment
  • Education Psychology Assessments – which may include memory, understanding, reasoning, logic, and general skills assessment.

Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties 

  • Talkabout Programme assessment tool by Alex Kelly
  • CAMHS Referral
  • Assess through observations of pupils

Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties 

  • Movement Programme baseline assessment
  • Handwriting and copying skills baseline assessment

Your child will be assessed against age related expectations for children who are working on the National Curriculum (i.e. the same as the majority of other children in their year group), or they may be assessed against other measures for children who are not ready to work on National Curriculum Levels (i.e. the steps before the National Curriculum).  Aspirational targets are set for all children to ensure that all children make good progress, including those not ready to access the National Curriculum. The outcomes of all assessments are shared with parents and carers at our Parent Evenings and in your child’s School Report. If other agencies are invited to work with your child, you will be invited to attend a meeting where the outcomes of these assessments and their next steps will be shared with you. If parents have any concerns then these can be shared with the class teacher and or SENCo who will arrange a meeting to discuss and resolve any difficulties.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The class teacher alongside the SENCo will discuss the child’s needs and what support would be appropriate. SEN is an ongoing dialogue in school so that staff can share concerns or ideas as to how we can help the child at the earliest opportunity.
Teacher’s use assessments and observations of children to identify, review and evaluate their needs and gaps in their learning. We look at what we can provide to meet the child’s needs and we discuss and measure the effectiveness of the interventions the children have undertaken that term. Different children will require different levels of support in order to bridge the gap to achieve age expectations which could be on a one to one basis, with a group, run by a teacher or teaching assistant or through peer support and in or out of class. Throughout the process, we keep an on-going dialogue with yourselves as parents.

At Framwellgate Moor Primary School, we currently have children with a variety of needs in school and provide the following interventions to meet the needs of our children:

Support for children with physical needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Daily Gross Motor Skills interventions.
  • Weekly Fine Motor Skills interventions.
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Occupational Health

Support for children with speech, language and communication needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Daily Speech and Language interventions.
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language Therapy

Support for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Trailblazers
  • Educational Psychologist input
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. CAMHs Mentoring and Counselling;

Support for children with cognition and learning needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Maths and English specific
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service
  • Specific individual support for children whose learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong and what this means for your child e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia
  • Range of teaching and learning styles;
  • A broad range of extra-curricular activities, including After-School
  • Differentiation
Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

How children with SEN engage in all activities?

We enable all children to engage fully in all aspects of school life. To do this:

We do our best to ensure that all children can access all areas of school life as best as we can. We do not see SEND as a barrier to accessing the full curriculum and ensure that children with SEND are fully included in all activities in order to promote the highest levels of achievement.

To do this, we:

  • Ensure that all children with SEN are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement, for example; ensuring that children with language delay are supported with visual aids and prompts.
  • Ensure that all pupils have access to the school curriculum and all school activities, for example; additional adult support to model and support learning.
  • Ensure every child has the entitlement to a sense of achievement through celebrating progress with parents, for example; we have a weekly achievement assembly where academic and non-academic progress is celebrated.
  • When planning activities such as visits and trips SEN children are considered to ensure they can fully participate, for example; staff will visit places and complete risk assessments.

How do we assess and review progress?

If your child has SEN, it is important for us to carry out formal assessments to identify their strengths and identify their needs accurately. To do this, we will use a range of methods depending upon their needs. When your child enters our school, their current attainment is assessed to give us a ‘baseline’ from where they will progress. In addition to the assessments that all children take part in and depending upon their needs, other assessments may be needed. These could include:

Communication and interaction (SLCN, ASC) 

  • Talkabout Programme assessment tool by Alex Kelly
  • Speech and Language Link Assessment
  • Speech Therapy Assessments – which may focus on sound production, language understanding, or other relevant assessments of your child’s needs

Cognition and learning (MLD, PMLD, SLD, SpLD) 

  • Subject specific assessment
  • Education Psychology Assessments – which may include memory, understanding, reasoning, logic, and general skills assessment.

Social, Emotional and Health Difficulties 

  • Talkabout Programme assessment tool by Alex Kelly
  • CAMHS Referral
  • Assess through observations of pupils

Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties 

  • Movement Programme baseline assessment
  • Handwriting and copying skills baseline assessment

Your child will be assessed against age related expectations for children who are working on the National Curriculum (i.e. the same as the majority of other children in their year group), or they may be assessed against other measures for children who are not ready to work on National Curriculum Levels (i.e. the steps before the National Curriculum).  Aspirational targets are set for all children to ensure that all children make good progress, including those not ready to access the National Curriculum. The outcomes of all assessments are shared with parents and carers at our Parent Evenings and in your child’s School Report. If other agencies are invited to work with your child, you will be invited to attend a meeting where the outcomes of these assessments and their next steps will be shared with you. If parents have any concerns then these can be shared with the class teacher and or SENCo who will arrange a meeting to discuss and resolve any difficulties.

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive?

The class teacher alongside the SENCo will discuss the child’s needs and what support would be appropriate. SEN is an ongoing dialogue in school so that staff can share concerns or ideas as to how we can help the child at the earliest opportunity.
Teacher’s use assessments and observations of children to identify, review and evaluate their needs and gaps in their learning. We look at what we can provide to meet the child’s needs and we discuss and measure the effectiveness of the interventions the children have undertaken that term. Different children will require different levels of support in order to bridge the gap to achieve age expectations which could be on a one to one basis, with a group, run by a teacher or teaching assistant or through peer support and in or out of class. Throughout the process, we keep an on-going dialogue with yourselves as parents.

At Framwellgate Moor Primary School, we currently have children with a variety of needs in school and provide the following interventions to meet the needs of our children:

Support for children with physical needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Daily Gross Motor Skills interventions.
  • Weekly Fine Motor Skills interventions.
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Occupational Health

Support for children with speech, language and communication needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Daily Speech and Language interventions.
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Speech and Language Therapy

Support for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Trailblazers
  • Educational Psychologist input
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. CAMHs Mentoring and Counselling;

Support for children with cognition and learning needs:

  • Quality First Teaching, accessing a broad and balanced curriculum
  • Maths and English specific
  • Specialist group support from outside agencies e.g. Educational Psychology Service
  • Specific individual support for children whose learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong and what this means for your child e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia
  • Range of teaching and learning styles;
  • A broad range of extra-curricular activities, including After-School
  • Differentiation