Newton Drive, Framwellgate Moor, Durham, DH1 5BG
0191 386 5400

English Lesson Photos


seals english Cafe 

Seals class enjoyed their English Cafe this morning playing some great games to help with their reading and writing skills


World Book Day

The children brought in a book to share with the class for World Book Day. We had a variety of riddles, joke books, comic books and interesting stories. The children also took part in a Masked Reader, where they had to guess which teacher was reading the story while they were disguised as lemons, strawberries, horses and chicken nuggets.

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In Nursery the children came dressed as characters from stories and there were some fantastic costumes! The children enjoyed lots of story times throughout the day and really enjoyed having a visit from Year 3/4 who came to read a book with the Nursery children. We were very lucky to receive a fantastic story sack from one of our very talented parents. The children enjoyed picking the characters out of the sack to help to tell the story.

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - the children came dressed as characters from stories - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - the children came dressed as characters from stories - image 2

Y5 English

In English today we became the teacher! We read and marked each other’s work against our chosen success criteria and worked hard to offer useful feedback that would support and challenge us.


Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed a morning with Sarah Millington, author of Damelza Rice is not very nice.

They spoke about some key aspects of the book such as; transition to secondary school, online bullying and how to overcome negativity. The children then talked about their feelings towards transitioning to secondary school.




Visit from Author Adam Bushnell

We had the pleasure of a visit from Adam Bushnell in school this week.  Adam is an author of books for children and adults, he has written over fifty books and visits schools to teach writing skills to children.  He has been visiting our school for around 16 years.

In Nursery Adam told stories about St George and a dragon. The children enjoyed joining in with lots of actions to help to tell the story. After the story some of the children tried on the armour and had a go at holding the weapons.

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Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Adam Bushnell visit - image 1
Our Classes / Butterflies and Caterpillars / Butterflies Gallery - Adam Bushnell visit - image 2

In Reception, Alan told some stories about kings and queens.  The children looked at a suit of armour and designed flags.


The year 1 and 2 children had lots of fun participating in a workshop. We spent lots of time describing animals and even wrote our own animal reports! After a job well done we were lucky enough to meet Adam’s pet tortoise Jet.

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - The year 1 and 2 children had lots of fun participating in a workshop - image 1

Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions.

Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 0
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 2
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 3
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 4
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 5
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 3 & 4 explored Roman weapons and armour then wrote detailed character descriptions. - image 6

Adam showed year 5 & 6 children Viking weapons and armour.  They described  Viking warriors and trolls then described a battle scene.


Adam showed y5 objects and weapons made from different animal parts, that Vikings use. All of the children got to handle the objects. We drew and described our own Vikings and ice giants. We made up boasts that our Vikings may say.  We then acted out a Viking myth. To end our session and compile  together everything we had learnt, we wrote out very own Viking myth.

Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Adam showed y5 objects and weapons made from different animal parts, that Vikings use.  - image 0
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Adam showed y5 objects and weapons made from different animal parts, that Vikings use.  - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Adam showed y5 objects and weapons made from different animal parts, that Vikings use.  - image 2
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Adam showed y5 objects and weapons made from different animal parts, that Vikings use.  - image 3

World Book Day 2023

Year 6 had a fantastic day celebrating world book day on Thursday 2nd March.

The children shared their favourite books with the younger children and listened to them read, they also participated in a workshop ‘Now that’s what I call poetry’ where they listened to poems, played games to inspire freeze frames and wrote group poems.  The children also planned and wrote their own story based on an image and we are hoping to create our own class short story book with these! Dressing up was great fun!

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To celebrate work book day in Year 5, we not only dressed as characters from books, we also brought our favourite books to share with others into school.

We went to green class and Honeybees to share these text with the year 1, 2  and reception children. We were able to read extracts from the books and share our favourite parts, as well as listen to the younger children read their chosen books to us.

It was lovely to see all of the children excited and enthusiastic about being able to discuss and share their books.

We also had a lovely afternoon spending time with a poet who encouraged us to use our bodies to take on the different roles within the poem. We were able to write ideas down and began our own poems within small groups.

Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - We also had a lovely afternoon spending time with a poet who encouraged us to use our bodies to take on the different roles within the poem.  - image 0
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - We also had a lovely afternoon spending time with a poet who encouraged us to use our bodies to take on the different roles within the poem.  - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - We also had a lovely afternoon spending time with a poet who encouraged us to use our bodies to take on the different roles within the poem.  - image 2

Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day. They dressed up as their favourite characters and enjoyed a poetry workshop.

Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 0
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 2
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 3
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 4
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 5
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 6
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 7
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 8
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 9
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Pandas and Tigers had a fantastic World Book Day.  - image 10

What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories. We took part in Madame Dragon’s Training School workshop to become dragons, read with Year 6 and Nursery children, designed new front covers for our books and spent lots of time just discussing the wonderful books around us.

Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 0
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 2
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 3
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 4
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 5
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 6
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - What a fantastic day we had in Year 1 & 2 dressed up as our favourite characters/authors from our favourite stories - image 7



The children in Nursery enjoyed lots of story times during World Book Day. We read books in our story tent and enjoyed listening to stories under blankets on mats in the hall. We had a visit from the older children in school who came to read us some stories.


The staff in Nursery got dressed up as a character from their favourite story too and we joined in with lots of fun activities linked to their stories. Miss French dressed up as ‘Supertato’ and helped us to make our own Supertato using real potatoes. Mrs Kelly dressed up as an alien from ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ and helped us to make collage underpants to hang on the washing line. Miss Storey dressed as Winnie the Witch and we made different coloured magic wands for snack time with icing sugar and sprinkles. Miss Pendleton was the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland and helped us to mix the ingredients to make bubbling magic potions. We had lots of fun and love reading stories!


Y6 Aim Higher Writing Day

Both Year 6 groups experienced a writing day this week. One group travelled to Esh Winning Primary School for a day led by poet Matt Abbott. The children were shown how to use lots of different writing prompts to help them come up with creative ideas. The children wrote poems based on the days of the week and the colour green as well as writing a letter to themselves from an object that they treasure. The group thoroughly enjoyed writing a recipe for how to make certain people that they admire with one child writing on for Gordon Ramsey which included just a pinch of anger! A big thank you to Matt and Esh Winning Primary for hosting the day.

The other group held a heated debate on whether the character in our current book ‘Boy, Everywhere’ should leave his home country or flee with his family. Later, they wrote and recorded news reports including eye-witness interviews about an attack on a shopping mall.

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Y6 Aim Higher Writing Day - image 1
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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Y6 Aim Higher Writing Day - image 3

Key Stage 1 Trip to Seven Stories

Year 6 Lisette Auton Workshop

Today, the class had a visit from Lisette Auton (author of The Secret of Haven Point). Lisette discussed her new book, which includes lots of disabled characters, and shared extracts of it. She told us her reason for doing this is to celebrate people’s differences as she herself is disabled. Lisette told us where she gets her inspiration from and her writing process. At the end of the session, children from the class were able to ask Lisette questions which varied from who her favourite authors are and who inspires her. 

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 6 Lisette Auton Workshop - image 1

Year 5 – German Fairytales


KS1: Researching Class Author Emily Gravett

This week, Penguins have been researching about our class author, Emily Gravett. Children have had lots of fun researching on their computers and iPads!

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - KS1: Researching Class Author Emily Gravett - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - KS1: Researching Class Author Emily Gravett - image 2

Performing Poetry

Year 4 have been reading and performing poetry in our Friday English lessons.

They have learnt to use intonation and expression to really make tthe poems come alive.

They performed:

Caribbean Counting Poem by Pamela Mordecai


Football Mad  by Benjamin Zephaniah.

Reception Book Club


Year 2 Adam Bushnell Author Visit

Year 2 have learnt all about Pirates in their session with Adam Bushnell this afternoon. They have looked at pirate flags, held special pirate artefacts and designed their own pirate and treasure island!

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 2 Adam Bushnell Author Visit - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 2 Adam Bushnell Author Visit - image 2

Year 1 Easter Poems:

In Purple class we have been learning about generating adjectives and gathering vocabulary related to a subject.

Here are a selection of our fantastic shape poems related to Spring.


Visit from Author Adam Bushnell

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Visit from Author Adam Bushnell - image 1
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Visit from Author Adam Bushnell - image 2
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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Visit from Author Adam Bushnell - image 11
Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Visit from Author Adam Bushnell - image 12

Year 2 – Grasshopper One by Grace Nichols

The children in year 2 have enjoyed reading the ‘ Grasshopper One’ poem by Grace Nichols. They  came up with actions and performed their favourite lines.

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Our Curriculum / Curriculum Content / English Lesson Photos - Year 2 – Grasshopper One by Grace Nichols - image 1