Soluble or insoluble?
As part of our materials topic, the class tested to see which materials were soluble or insoluble. After this we conducted an experiment to see whether or not the temperature affected the rate of evaporation.
We continued our light topic by looking at different coloured objects through different coloured filters. The children predicted what colour they thought the image would be before looking through the filter. We found certain filters absorbed certain colours.
As part of our materials topic, the class tested to see which materials were soluble or insoluble. After this we conducted an experiment to see whether or not the temperature affected the rate of evaporation.
Year 5 and 6 investigated how prisms changed the way light travelled and how colour can change the way we see objects. The children found that the light from the torches refracted when it hit the prisms and created a rainbow on their books.
Year 3 and 4 had great fun in Science working in pairs to create a magnetic maze game! After designing and sticking down our ‘lolly stick’ maze we used a paper clip and a magnet (underneath the card) to pull the magnetic object from the starting point to the finish line.
After some practise turns we timed each other to see who could move the paper clip, using the magnet, from start to finish the fastest!
Engineers from Durham University visited Year 5/6 to discuss their careers as an engineer. In Year 6, Gary Parker discussed wind energy to produce energy and electrical power. The class got to test wind power on various different devices before seeing which wind turbine would produce the most volts in a wind tunnel. A big thank you to Mr Szyniszewski for organising the sessions.
This week in Science we have explored the effect of air resistance. Each group had variables they would keep the same and 1 which they would change.
We made our parachutes and tested how long they took to fall to the ground, we discussed which variables we kept the same and changed and how this impacted the time it took to fall.
In Science we have been learning about forces and we carried out tests to see if there was a link between the weight (newtons) and mass (g/kg) of objects. We enjoyed using the Newton Metres and researching more about the first theory of gravity.
On Wednesday 3rd May, Year 1 and Year 2 visited the Center For Life to consolidate our learning in Geography. We completed a workshop about the continents and oceans, visited the Science Theatre, Planetarium and had time to explore the life centre and its different zones. We can’t wait to write up our recounts and share them with you.
To complete our living things topic we created a field guide of the microorganisms you can find in our school habitat. The children surveyed the school grounds writing down their findings before creating their guide.
The class investigated in which conditions mould grows best in. The children placed slices of bread in different conditions around the classroom such as: room temperature, wet, dark and frozen. The class found mould grew the most in dry and mild conditions.
We we had a visit from professor nitrate. She let us take part in some fun science experiments. We gained lots of new knowledge.
Year 3 and 4 really enjoyed their workshop with Professor Nitrate today. They were able to take part in a range of experiments covering gravity, force, pressure and chemical reactions. What a wonderful experience it was for the children, they couldn’t stop smiling.
Professor Nitrate came to visit our school. The children took part in lots of small experiments including making fire, what happens when we eat gaseous foods and is gravity difficult to defy.
Last week the green class penguins began a science experiment to look at which materials are best at protecting an egg. Children were given a random material and they had to make the best container to protect the egg. Here are their creations!
Next week we are going to test which container is best!!
This week the children in Butterflies have been making boats. They investigated which objects and materials would float and sink. Then they tested which materials were waterproof. They found out that the tin foil would be the best material to make a boat for their figures. Everyone made a tin foil boat and tested how many figures it could hold before it sank.
The Butterflies have been exploring different ways of melting and breaking ice to rescue the frozen animals from blocks of ice. We also filled ice cube trays with water and put the small world figures into the water. The water froze in the freezer and then we played with the frozen figures, pretending they were ice skating.
This week the nursery children have been making polar bear biscuits. They melted white chocolate to spread onto their biscuits. We talked about how the chocolate changed when it was hot and cold.
This week in science we have been learning how the heart pumps blood around the body.
As apart of this lesson, we have learnt about what makes up our blood. So we could understand the different parts more effectively, we made blood in pairs, using orange juice, Cheerios died red, marshmallows and Rice Krispies.
This was so much fun.
String Telephone lesson
Sounds Science Lesson. Investigating how sounds are made.
Year 5 have been learning about how refraction changes the direction in which light travels.
We did this by experimenting with a cup of water. We drew an arrow, smiley face and two colour blocks on to separate pieces of paper. Individually, the children held each picture at the other side of the cup, to see what would happen to each picture.
The class were looking at refraction and investigated how light changes direction. The children tested this by drawing an arrow on a piece of paper and placing it behind a glass of water. The groups found that the arrow had appeared to point in the opposite direction due to the light refracting when it hit the water. They then also did this with a smiley face but this time they placed the glass on top of it upon pouring the water into the glass the smiley face appeared to disappear, again due to the light refracting.
Year 6 have been studying light and looking at how mirrors help us to see certain things. In class, we discussed how mirrors work and how rays of light reflect at the same angle as the shine or bounce off the mirror. The ray of incidence is the same angle as the ray of reflection. The children then discussed the use of periscopes and how and why they are used, before creating their own.
Year 2 have enjoyed exploring our school grounds to hunt for minibeasts in their microhabitats. We saw lots of woodlouse under rocks and bees on flowers. We plotted our observations on a pictogram and wrote up our findings.
Year 2 enjoyed exploring parts of a plant and flower. We dissected the flower and used our magnifying glasses to observe the parts more closely, we could see the veins on the leaves and the ovules in the ovary! We can’t wait to explore this further in year 3!
In science, the children made a ‘Reflection Tester’ they then used this to test different materials to find the most reflective. We then used our results to find out why some materials are more reflective than others.
Children used magnifying glasses to examine closely inside the flower and then dissected the flower to find and label the different parts inside the flower.
Year 6 enjoyed using skittles to investigate how our intestines break down and absorb vitamins and minerals.
In science Year 5 have been investigating which electrical conductors make a bulb shine bright.
They experiment using the electrical equipment and six different materials.
This half term in Science, Year 6 have been looking at the circulatory system and how each of its parts contribute to the system as a whole. This week, we looked at the heart and conducted an experiment that would allow us to feel it in action!
All of the Year 6 class measured their resting heart rates, before running around for 2 minutes in order to observe how their hearts responded. For the next 5 minutes, on the minute, the class then measured their pulse and drew a graph to display the data they had collected!
From looking at their graphs, Year 6 identified that although their heart rates rose quickly during exercise, it took a few minutes longer before the heart rate returned to its normal resting pulse.